Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Anti Life and Anti Family Advocates

Agenda causing reproductive health, population policy, two child policy and sex education for the youth. Which they promote the use of artificial contraception in the guise of promoting “women’s health’’.

This is very much awakening now a day not only here in our country but globally.
As for me it has a good intention to promote such bill like this but in the other hand to promote such bill it takes time to approve to make law. If we must aware in our society we witness the crisis we face right now because one of the overpopulation growth.

According to Thomas Robert Malthus an English demographer and who introduce the rather pessimistic principle that foresaw the world’s population out running food supply, leading to decrease food per person.

It is very true that out running food supply leading also decrease of food per person it just only happen if there is unemployment. If only each person has a job then they can provide for there own nor in his family.

I opposed on the belief that we are poor because we are too many.
People must aware what is happening in our world today. We must work hand in hand coordinated with our government. To resolve the problem we suffer now.
Ask for me the government must focus on employment for the people to overcome food crisis as well as overpopulation.

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