Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Malthus theory

I agree because I think this kind of agreement should be done through a plebiscite and various consultations with the Filipinos, both Muslims and Christians. The government should publish the whole agreement (nothing hidden) so the people can form their educated opinion on this very important matter. Congress, both houses, should approve this agreement too. The executive branch cannot do this by itself unless our country is no longer democratic.

PRESIDENT Arroyo’s tough defense of the expanded value-added tax (E-VAT) in her 8th State of the Nation Address is expected. The government’s varied programs on providing popular but band-aid solutions to rising fuel, power and food prices largely depends on it, thus she cannot compromise the future of the country, lest her administration which is facing a hard and uphill battle come national and local elections in 2010.

While the good news is that this fiscal policy was implemented at the time when single-digit inflation rate was recorded prior to the abnormal rise of fuel cost and the looming recession of the US economy. These have indeed helped government shore up the much needed money to finance ongoing programs and projects for the masses.

The bad news is that majority of the people can no longer afford to shell out the 12 percent VAT for basic goods and services. Even the lowly ants gather food during sunny days while taking a break when storms come. One needs not be a degree-holder of economics to know what is out there.

He based his theory on the population explosion that was already becoming evident in the 18th century, and argued that the number of people would increase faster than the food supply. Population would eventually reach a resource limit (overpopulation). Any further increase would result in a population crash, caused by famine, disease, or war. Malthus was not optimistic about the outcome and suggested that only ‘moral restraint’ (birth control) could prevent crisis. Recent famines in Ethiopia and other countries, where drought, civil war, and poverty have reduced agricultural output, might suggest that Malthus was correct. In the USA, the UK, and many other countries, the agrarian revolution boosted food production, and contraception led to a decline in birth rate; and in some countries population control policies have been introduced.


~ myron keith here for you to stay ~ :P :P :P :D

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