Saturday, August 9, 2008

I agree to this article that family planning, sex education for the youth, population policy, and two child policy will be applied to our country so that, our country will prosper.And to prevent abortion and malnutrition because majority of the people here in the Philippines are poverty-stricken.Some of the parents can not afford to send their children to school because they are lack of money.As i observed many of the teenagers are pregnant and had stopped schooling.They don't think what will be their life in the future.If they will not stop doing this kind of thing our country will not prosper.Many people are starving due to lack of food,lack of space to occupy, and lack of water supply.Now our population is explosing and there are now people that don't have jobs and they don't send their children to school because they are poverty-stricken.That's why we should discipline ourselves so that our country will prosper and we can prevent abortion and malnutrition.

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